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Legal Requirements & Finances
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Legal Requirements & Finances


Greece is eager to accept the digital nomads who come from all over the world. Greece is a member of the Schengen Area countries so moving to the country is easy if one comes from another EC country.
As far as the digital nomads who come from other countries are concerned, they can stay on a tourist visa for a maximum of 90 days in the country and leave for 90 days before they come back. The Greek government is working on creating a visa especially for the purpose of staying long term in the country with the digital nomad status and is expected soon.


When a whole family moves to Greece, there are no limitations in using the public schooling system of the country or the hospitals if necessary. Having a private insurance contract is obligatory to use the private hospitals and get reimbursed afterwards.
One will gratefully realise that the local community of a smaller place, such as a village or an island, will enclose the foreigners so that they never feel alone. Greeks are friendly, love to talk and make others feel at home.


Greeks and other residents have the obligation to acquire their own:
AMKA, which is the health insurance number and
AFM, which is the tax identification number everyone must have when 18 or before if there is income or property of some kind.
The bureaucracy and the paperwork involved is assigned to professionals who can also provide the tax and financial advice necessary. If somebody stays in the country for more than 6 months (181 days) then the income the person receives must be reported even if it is taxed in another country.
Apart from only staying in the country to work long distance from home, one may wish to involve into entrepreneurial activity. Setting up a new business in Greece is possible and it is easily done when assigned to professionals who will help with the bookkeeping procedure as well.
A strong suggestion is the: TAXISWEB company which is in the centre of Athens. They have helped many foreigners with their settlement as individuals or with their businesses in Greece. The offices are on 39, Panormou str and they can easily be reached by metro or bus if one does not want to walk. Alternatively, they can be e-mailed at info@taxweb if somebody does not stay in Athens; all the services can be rendered without physical presence.

The banking system has had all restrictions lifted. Everyone can use the ATMs of the local banks to receive cash from the accounts they have back home. Additionally, if their settlement is long term and it is worthy, one can open a bank account in Greece and transfer money from abroad or save and use the card of the local banks connected to their local accounts.

The Greek government promoted new legislation this year to offer tax incentives to foreigners who move into the country for a minimum of two years. There are rules and limitations that apply and will be examined per individual, but it is worth saying that the incentive reaches 50% of the tax due for the income produced in the country. The tax advisor company mentioned above will examine every case separately.